Covid 19已經和我們相伴近半年,日子難過。我住在旅遊區,很多商店已倒閉。就是因為沒有足夠的錢財去撐下去 。有些店還是干脆先關門,因為沒有薪水的付出,還可以頂著店輔租金。
Resources 其實就是凡指物理性的資源,但Resourcefulness是指個人的內在特性、資源。這可能是彈性、創意、仁慈、恆心、愛、堅持等。後者在我門生活極為重要。以下是早期的一篇英文分享。
How do we tackle a problem if we don’t have money, manpower or skills? Those are resources. So, if you ‘re telling me you failed because you didn’t have those resources, that’s not true! But instead, resources are never the problem. Lack of “resourcefulness” is the real problem and that is why you failed. The first time when I heard this term is from an undisputed heavy duty speaker – Tony Robbins.

Being resourceful is some sort of your emotional state. For example, creativity, passion, decisiveness, love or sincerity. There are human ultimate resources. When you engage with these resources, you can get any other resource on earth!
A week ago, I promised a friendly organization – Macau Mandarin club to deliver a mini-workshop related to Stress Management. Actually, it is my favorite topic. However, I had some participants who attended my previous class with the same topic a few hours ago. So I had to prepare something new and it was out of my planning. My preparation was very limited, so I got stuck for a while, and what’s more, the time was running out.
Finally, I got an idea from this topic -Stress Management. Why don’t I make use of this concept to invite those participants to speak some topics related to stress? There should be around 30 people, so I thought, “why not dividing them into a group of 5, so they could have a little speaking practice and it also provide them with a daunting feeling.” In addition, it can be interesting if I use some essential coaching questions to make an improvisational platform and create a mischievous atmosphere a little bit.
What a blast last night! I liked the show in a way of not how great the content was, but the excellent outcome eventually.
“I can make it whatever the situation is ” is one of my mantras while I am facing a challenging and scary task. The creativity, passion and self-affirmation made my show radiant eventually.
Last but not least, a friend of mine gave me a ride this morning and I found her still having some books in her car and it is supposed to be for donating to a charity group as planned. Nevertheless, she kept them for more than a month without an action. She explained that she had no one to carry those books for her. It seems to be a problem of resources but apparently, it is all about resourcefulness!